Studiz is a free, digital service by students - for students. We’ve gathered your student discounts in one place, so you can quickly and easily see which brands and stores are student-friendly. You can also get a verified, digital student-ID in the Studiz app to make sure that you never miss out on any student discounts, because you forgot the old, worn-out plastic card in your school bag or in the wrong jacket. In addition, we have developed a large range of user-friendly, cost-saving functions for party committees, student associations and schools. Quite simply, Studiz was created to make your and your fellow students' lives cheaper, simpler and more fun.
Our daily working principle is HardFun. This means that when we work, we work hard, concentrated and efficiently, but at the same time it is crucial that we have fun while we work. Therefore, we allow each other to figure out what we are motivated by in our work.
Part time job for students
Part time job for students
Part time job for students